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8th to 11th Grade


Premier Roadmap Package

Start Early to Prepare for Your Dream College

CMC offers private counseling starting as early as 8th grade for students who want ongoing, personalized, unlimited-time access to high-impact activities, deepen their scholarly profile, maintain strong GPAs, and plan out classes

to maximize course rigor. We will prepare our students with the skills

and experiences that make for a truly unique college applicant. 


Customized Plan

Our mentors understand what makes an exceptional extracurricular list. We help students find and choose projects and activities matched with their passions - turning excitement into experience and assisting students in excelling today, long before the college application process.


Leadership Coaching

Our students aren't just class presidents - they are award-winning researchers, non-profit founders, community organizers, and entrepreneurs. We explore appropriate leadership and teamwork opportunities with students, guiding them in taking these activities to the next level.


Resume Building

It's often intimidating, to sum up your academic and professional experience onto 1 sheet of paper. Many students overlook the crucial process of crafting a compelling resume. Our mentors help students present their abilities to summer camps, potential employers, and finally their dream colleges!


8th & 9th Grade Services: Profile Building

  • Academic Advisement & Course Selection

  • Academic Skill Development (exploration through projects and online coursework)

  • School-Based Activity Preparation (help engage in clubs, societies, and chapters in school)

  • Prestigious Student Competition and Conference Participation (prepare for elite academic and non-academic student competitions at regional, national, and international levels) 

  • School-Based Leadership Position Planning

  • Sports Participation and Engagement

  • Development of Interest in Music

  • Arts/Performing Arts Participation and Engagements

  • Exploration of Entrepreneurship Projects

  • Portfolio Development (advise on creating personal websites, blogs, Udemy courses, Youtube channels, Amazon/Kindle publishing, and other related interests)

  • External Enrichment/Academic Opportunities (recommendations on virtual and in-person summer camps and passion projects)

  • Student Research Project Planning and Application

10th Grade Services: Crafting Your Story

  • Academic Advisement & Course Selection

  • Academic Skill Development (exploration through projects, unique activities, and online courses) 

  • School-Based Activity Participation & Discussion on Leadership Possibilities

  • Prestigious Student Competition And Conference Participation (prepare for elite academic and non-academic student competitions at regional, national, and international levels) 

  • School-Based Leadership Position Planning & Acquiring

  • Sports Participation and Engagement (leadership, volunteer activities, or research projects)

  • Development of Interest in Music (leadership, volunteer activities, or research projects)

  • Arts/Performing Arts Participation and Engagements

  • Launching Entrepreneurship Projects

  • Portfolio Development (advise on creating personal websites, blogs, Udemy courses, Youtube channels, Amazon/Kindle publishing, and other related interests)

  • External Enrichment/Academic Opportunities (recommendations on virtual and in-person summer camps and passion projects)

  • Summer Camp/Internship Planning and Application

  • Summer Research Project Planning and Application 

11th Grade Services: Executing Your College Prep

  • Detailed Sessions with Former Admissions Counselors & Consultants

  • Academic Advisement & Course Selection

  • Academic Skill Development (through projects, unique activities, and online courses) 

  • School-Based Activity Participation & Discussion on Leadership Possibilities

  • Prestigious Student Competition And Conference Participation (prepare for elite academic and non-academic student competitions at regional, national, and international levels) 

  • School-Based Leadership Position Planning

  • Sports Participation and Engagement

  • Development of Interest in Music

  • Arts/Performing Arts Participation and Engagements

  • Lanunching Entrepreneurship Projects

  • Portfolio Development (advise on creating personal websites, blogs, Udemy courses, Youtube channels, Amazon/Kindle publishing, and other related interests)

  • External Enrichment/Academic Opportunities (recommendations on virtual and in-person summer camps and passion projects)

  • Summer Camp/Internship Planning and Application

  • Summer Research Project Planning and Application 

  • Exploration of Career Majors

  • Creating a Tentative College List & Planning College Visits

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